🏗 Work in progress. Features are implemented on a best effort basis🏗

Discover and simulate dynamical systems from your browser. The goal is to support the learning of the theory of numerical simulation and to facilitate research in scientific machine learning.

The site provides a set of interactive widgets for simulating predefined or custom Ordinary Differential Equations(ODEs) directly in the browser. The site itself is a static website meaning that all assets are rendered up front and all computations are done on the clients computer.

Why a website?

What about performance?

Modern browsers employ a technique known as just in time compilation (JIT-compilation) to execute JavaScript on the CPU at much higher speeds than it was interpreted.

Additionally, the use of the binary language Web Assembly (WASM) makes it possible to compile source code from multiple languages into a representation that can execute at near native speed in modern browsers. Finally, technologies like WebGPU and WebGL makes it possible access the GPU from the browser, which is especially useful for plotting and some aspects of simulation.


Tensorflow Playground

Tensorflow playground
